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Summer Reading List

"The Lion Attacked", by Claude Yarmoff.

"How to Write Big Books", by Warren Peace.

"The Art of Archery", by Beau N. Arrow.

"Songs for Children", by Barbara Blacksheep.

"Irish Heart Surgery", by Angie O'Plasty.

"Split Personalities", by Jacqueline Hyde.

"Under the Bleachers", by Seymour Butts.

"Desert Crossing", by I. Rhoda Camel.

"School Truancy", by Marcus Absent.

"I Was a Cloakroom Attendant", by Mahatma Coate.

"I Lost My Balance", by Eileen Dover and Phil Down.

"Mystery in the Barnyard", by Hu Flung Dung.

"Positive Reinforcement", by Wade Ago.

"Shhh!", by Danielle Soloud.

"The Philippine Post Office", by Imelda Letter.

"Things to Do at a Party", by Bob Frapples.

"Stop Arguing", by Xavier Breath.

"Come on In!", by Doris Open.

"The German Bank Robbery", by Hans Zupp.

"I Hate the Sun", by Gladys Knight.

"Prison Security", by Barb Dweyer.

"Irish First Aid", by R.U. O'Kaye.

"My Career As a Clown", by Abe Ozo.

"The World's Deadliest Joke", by Theophilus Punoval.

"Here's Pus in Your Eye", Lance Boyle.

"My Life on Skid Row", Titus A. Drum.

"I Didn't Do It!", by Ivan Alibi.

"Why I Eat at McDonalds", by Tommy Ayk.

"I Hit the Wall", by Isadore There.

"The Bruce Lee Story", by Marsh Larts.

"Take This Job and Shove It", by Ike Witt.

"Rapunzel Rapunzel", by Harris Long.

"How I Won the Maraton", by Randy Hoelway.

"Songs from South Pacific", by Sam and Janet Evening.